Client: YSAS, Melbourne
This leading NFP agency enables young disadvantaged people to access the resources and support they require to lead a fulfilling life. In recent years, the YSAS team has increased in numbers and in 2018 the organisation called upon BRM to help it maximise its current workspace in order to fit more workers and create a healthier and more productive working environment.
Christian Thompson - Parenting Research Centre Parenting Research Centre offers a unique service with the mission of helping children and families thrive by helping governments and community agencies put the best scientific evidence on parenting support into action. This fantastic organisation is changing the way we approach parenting support and helping Australian children thrive.
Christian Thompson joined Parenting Research Centre in 2008 bringing with him a rich history of not-for-profit management experience. BRM Projects has worked with Christian across a number of projects and we had a chat with him about how he sees his workplace. Mike Zervos, CEO, Courage to Care, Victoria BRM Projects has always enjoyed working on meaningful projects for organisations with a powerful message. Our work in the Not-For-Profit sector has seen us working with teams and individuals who care about their cause and work tirelessly to promote it.
We’ve partnered with Mike Zervos in the past on a number of different projects for charities he has worked for, providing property advice and office fit-outs. We’re now excited to join him as commercial property advisors in his newest role as Chief Executive Officer for Courage to Care, an outreach program that uses the memory of the Holocaust to encourage the fight against prejudice and discrimination. We recently sat down with Mike to talk about past experiences together and to discuss his current role in this fantastic initiative. |
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