By Peter Northwood - BRM Real Estate The Retail Leases Act 2003 is a complex piece of legislation putting many obligations onto Landlords and granting Tenants many benefits.
natalie gillam - gm business transformation, the nextt groupNextt is a leading provider of disability support services, enhancing the quality of life for many Australians. BRM Projects is no stranger to the folks at Nextt, having provided property strategy, search, fitout and accommodation strategy services as far back as 2015.
This week we sat down with Natalie Gillam, Business Transformation General Manager at Nextt to talk about her workplace and their latest experience with the BRM team. In today’s workplace landscape, the opinion of the worker counts for a lot. In fact, organisations are increasingly involving their staff in decisions that were once reserved for leadership. The workforce is largely made up of millennial workers who are used to having significant influence in the way they work, rather than being dictated to by archaic organisational structures.
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